Sunday, September 16, 2007

So, I'm uploading some pictures to Flickr...

Ah, it's been a great weekend! I took off work early Friday to go pick up Joan Schrouder at the airport- she was teaching in Riverside (California) this weekend.

Joan Schrouder - going incognito
Originally uploaded by OriginalTwistedSpinster

We stopped by Knit'n'Stitch to nail down some last-minute details, and then we got to have dinner at the Mission Inn with Susan M, the President of the Riverside Knitting Guild. It was awesome...

Saturday I took Joan's class on Ethnic Knitting Stitches - first we did Twined Knitting aka Tvaandsstickning, and then we did Bavarian knitting. I learned a lot -- the main thing being that I still hate bobbles... and Bavarian knitting is in my blood. Tvaandsstickning, not so much.

And then I got to go out to dinner again - this time to the Crest Cafe, with Linda S and Mary, and Susan.

Today, Cecilia came over. The plan was to plow through the stash... yeah, right. I got most of the way through the last of the orange wool I'm doing for Phyllis, a dye pot where the logwood totally took over the Quebracho Red, and we carded a few batts. Oh, and we went for sushi at Market World, the Korean grocery down the street. And did a bit of shopping...

Spicy Roasted Squid
Originally uploaded by OriginalTwistedSpinster

Squid in a bag. Love it!


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