Saturday, July 14, 2007

Dither, dither...

You know, I really appreciate all the input! (there were lots of posts over on Fiber Universe and Sheep Thrills too..) Trouble is, there wasn't any overwhelming majority. (whimper)

'Nuf. What I ought to do: rip the dratted thing. (notice how I keep my librarianly manners when I'm not mad as a wet hen?) And then I start thinking delusional thoughts like "Oh, I could take a contrasting yarn and do a stitch-in-the-ditch sort of crochet chain to highlight those cables, and that would help keep it from sagging..."

In the mean time, I've washed up the fleeces that Cecilia and I got from Robin last Saturday. And I'm carding up the last of the Prudence fleece from Whitefish Bay Farms...

My yarn processing operations center
Originally uploaded by OriginalTwistedSpinster

You can see the roving I'm pulling off the drum carder- that's the last of the fleece from Prudence. On the drying rack is Stuffy, one of the fleeces from Robin Snyder.

Pulling the roving
Originally uploaded by OriginalTwistedSpinster

See my fancy diz? Yup, it's from a spice jar. I'm using the littlest hole in the middle.


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